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Hand Motion Capture
Motion Capture for Hand Movement during Object Manipulation

To create a dataset for human hand motion during object manipulation to optimize algorithms for robot movement during tasks such as automated recycling of plastics and electronics
Designing the Motion Capture Environment​
We used 6 Vicon Nexus Vantage IR cameras to detect the markers and one Vicon Nexus Vue camera for RGB footage to overlay on the marker detection. I experimented with the camera marker detection settings, as well as the placement of the cameras in the environment and of the markers on the hands, to optimize the data collection during all tasks.

The motion capture environment with 6 Vicon Vantage cameras, and 1 Vicon Vue camera.
A full range of motion trial for marker detection calibration.
Motion Capture of all tasks observed in the clinical trials: sorting blocks by texture/stiffness, opening a water bottle, and then connecting/disconnecting electronic connectors.
Clinical Data Collection
We are now conducting clinical trials to collect data on hand motion during object manipulation.​
We prepared for clinical trials by testing the data collection protocol on members within our own lab.
Teaching Nexus Vicon
I created a brief tutorial for the Vicon Nexus software as it applies to this clinical study to help teach others in the lab how to prepare for and run the clinical data collection trials and how to conduct post-processing steps on the data.​​
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