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Quadricep and hamstring leg dynamometer for PT use

Use Case
Load cell of leg dynamometer measures force exerted during the prone-lying hamstring and quadricep strength tests

Prone-lying Quadricep Strength Test

Prone-lying Hamstring Strength Test
Designing the Frame
Frame Requirements:
Angle adjustment for knee bend
Tibia height adjustment
Comfortable, responsive padded load cell
Impermanent, stable attachment to exam table

Frame Prototypes:​
We used larger 40mm 8020 rails and adjustments to test our initial design ideas.
We used CAD modeling to test the weight and stability of a lighter, more compact 8020 model.

Electronics ​
We used a push-button load cell, HX711 amplifier, Arduino, buzzer, and LCD to make a functioning, user-friendly leg dynamometer.​​

All electronics were mounted in a 3D-printed electronics housing, with a separate 3D-printed load cell housing

Vinyl signage and laser cut angle labels makes using Dynaflex intuitive and simple.
Final Product​

Continued Collaboration

We continued to work with the clients to build a larger dynamometer for their bariatric table, and to add clamps to the design for a more secure attachment to the table.​
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